“Plan to be on your own for at least 2 weeks"
-Emergency Management Division, WA

WHAT is the recommendation for preparing for a Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) Earthquake?
Emergency Managers say to have an emergency plan and at least two weeks of supplies to shelter in place and take care of yourself and your family after a Cascadia earthquake. It’s indispensable to have adequate water, food and safety supplies on hand. Having supplies will allow you to meet your basic needs instead of scrambling at a time of limited resources.

WHO are these “Emergency Managers?”
Oregon Office of Emergency Management. See recommendations
Washington Emergency Management Division. See recommendations
American Red Cross Cascades Region See recommendations

WHY two weeks?
Subduction zone earthquakes are the largest on earth, which means 3-5 minutes of shaking. For comparison, California's San Andreas Fault earthquakes last about 15-30 seconds.
Most roads will be impassable, so it’ll take a couple of weeks for relief to even get to us. Imagine no electricity, running water or toilets for weeks or months. Cell phones probably won't work after the earthquake. Having two weeks of supplies will allow you to take care of yourself until relief comes.
WHEN will the earthquake happen?
Sadly, there’s no way to know when it will happen, only that it will. That’s how earthquakes work, there's no warning. We do know that once an earthquake strikes it's too late to prepare. The last CSZ earthquake was 319 years ago and the Cascadia fault has been building up pressure ever since. Historically, the average time between Cascadia earthquakes has been 243 years.

Cascadia Quake Kits
Choose between our 3 levels of home earthquake kits. All home kits include two weeks of water storage, food and critical safety supplies. Our Comprehensive Home Kit mirrors the recommendations set forth in Oregon Office of Emergency Management’s Living on Shaky Ground publication and the American Red Cross, Cascades Region’s Prepare! A Resource Guide.
For More Information On Pacific Northwest
Preparedness Recommendations