Where should I store my emergency preparedness kit?

That's our #1 question, and the answer is “it depends.” Each home is unique, but here are a few general guidelines. It's best to avoid keeping supplies in a basement or crawlspace, instead keep them in a garage. No garage? An outdoor storage shed or storage bench is a great solution. Live in a condo or apartment? Clear some closet space or put supplies on your balcony. Feel free to ask us about your particular situation, we're here to help.

Why do I need to be 2 Weeks Ready? Isn’t 3 days enough?

We wish it were so. But, the Cascadia earthquake is unlike any other natural disaster in terms of projected destruction. It is expected that we will be without water, electricity, and a sewer system for months…so having supplies to "shelter in place" and bridge the gap until relief arrives is critical. 72-hour kits are important to have in your car and at work, but the official recommendation is at least two weeks at home.


What if I already have my water storage, can I purchase a kit without it?


Yes! If you already have your water supply in place (or Twin-Bucket Toilet system, food supply), just contact us and we can get you adjusted pricing. We do not, however, modify items contained in the actual supply totes or 72-Hour Get-Home Packs. 

What kind of food is it? Is it good?

Food Bars

Starter and Essential Kits Home Kits contain Datrex ready-to-eat emergency food rations with a 5-year shelf life. One of our food tasters commented, "They taste like biscotti." We agree that they have a cookie-like flavor, not too sweet, and that they taste much better than they look! Bars are nut free, contain all-natural ingredients and are non GMO.

Hot Meals with a 20+ year shelf life

Our Comprehensive Home Kits come with vegetarian freeze-dried food for hot meals (plus ready-to-eat Datrex food rations). The most accurate label we’ve come up with to describe the food is “comfort camping food.” It's pretty yummy! Having a warm hearty meal during stressful times can make life feel a little better. Comprehensive kits have a simple-to-use stove and pot to heat water for your meals. Just add the food to boiling water, wait about 15 minutes and it’s ready.  

I have food allergies and/or special dietary needs, can you help? 

We know working with dietary restrictions can be challenging when it comes to preparedness. For customers with special dietary needs, we subtract the cost of food from your kit and provide you with resources to help you purchase food that meets your specific needs. Contact us for information and adjusted pricing. 


Can I pick up my kit to save shipping charges?

Yes! Kit pickup in NE Portland is arranged by appointment. Click on the "Pick Up" box under Delivery Method in the shopping cart to indicate local pick up. We'll contact you once your kit is ready to schedule a time and get you the pick up address.


How often do I need to change the water?

Assuming you're on a municipal water system, just sanitize then fill your 5-gallon water containers with regular tap water. 5-gallon water containers should be emptied, sanitized and refilled annually. Tip: rotate in the summer and water your garden with it. For kits with a 55-gallon water drum, the water lasts 5 years with the included water preserver.

Does my kit expire? 

The majority of items in the kit don't expire and will be usable for decades to come. There are a handful of items that will need to be replenished over time. They include: (in 2-3 years) a few of the ointments and medications in the first-aid kit. (in 5 years) batteries, ready to eat food bars, body warmers, emergency lightsticks. (in 10 years) GRAYL® Replaceable Purifier Cartridge. 

I’ve received my Emergency Kit, now what?

Congrats! You have taken a major step towards preparedness and you can confidently check “build emergency kit” off your list...thats huge! Next, use our emergency plan template to make and practice your family emergency plan and add personal items to your kit. Then, make sure you have a 72-hour Get-Home pack in your car and at work. Don't forget to look around your home and secure items that are likely to fall in an earthquake.  

What else should I do?

Spread the word! Talk with your neighbors and co-workers about preparedness.  If you are so inclined, join your Neighborhood Emergency Team/CERT team, help an elderly neighbor prepare or spearhead a preparedness gathering for your block. At your next dinner party have your guests practice Drop, Cover and Hold On! After all, the more of us who are prepared the better of we all will be after a major earthquake; we're all in this together!