9 things to add to your emergency preparedness kit

In addition to having two weeks of water, food and emergency supplies, add these important items to your Cascadia earthquake kit.
1 Vital prescription medications: 2 week supply + a complete list of all prescriptions
2 Prescription eyewear: spare eyeglasses/contact lenses with cleaning solution Tip: when you get new glasses, put your old ones in your earthquake kit.
3 Cash: small denominations (ATM’s won’t work)
4 Extra keys: home, car, office etc.
5 USB cord to charge your phone via your hand-cranked emergency radio
6 Baby supplies/Menstrual supplies (if relevant): include diapers and wipes. Tip: Menstrual supplies can be great first-aid tools.
7 Sturdy shoes for each family member, extra set of clothes
8 Comfort items for small children: stuffed animals, games, gummy bears...
9 Comfort items for adults: instant coffee, whiskey, chocolate...